

중,고등부 (SKY) 교육부서중,고등부 (SKY)

2019_08_18 SKY announcements

페이지 정보

작성자 슈가로프한인교회 작성일19-08-19 15:01 조회1,163회 댓글0건


1. FNPP -- Join us for Friday Night Praise and Prayer at 7:30pm!

2. STUDENT TEAMS -- We are gathering volunteers to invest themselves in service of their fellow SKY members!!

2a. Welcoming Team -- Had their first meeting last week, but talk with Mr. Edward Rhee for information if interested in serving on this team!

2b. Prayer Team -- PRAYER is an essential aspect of worship and we want to have some of YOU prayer with/for us! You don't have to be a pro at it, and that's ok! Talk to Mr. Allen Chung today for more info. First meeting will be September 8th.

2c. Events Team — Hey! If you love planning group events, join the SKY events team! First meeting will be August 25th! Talk with Mr. Tony Lee for more info!

3. SKBC Revival -- September 6-8, 2019 with Guest Rev. Joseph Kim
-- -- Friday, 7:30PM(English ONLY), Saturday, 7:30PM (Korean ONLY), Sunday, 11:30AM (Bilingual, ENGLISH and KOREAN)
-- Sunday, September 8th will be a joint service with the KM at 11:30am.