

중,고등부 (SKY) 교육부서중,고등부 (SKY)

2019_12_29 SKY announcements

페이지 정보

작성자 슈가로프한인교회 작성일19-12-29 15:55 조회1,259회 댓글0건


1. FNPP — FNPP is canceled for this week! Enjoy vacation time! Happy New Year!
2. SKBC Golden Bell Bible Quiz — On New Year's Eve at 8PM, there will be a bible quiz covering material from the past year's Bible Time readings.
First place prize: iPad Pro // Second Place: Airpod Pro // Third Place: Fitbit Versa2 // Best Youth Student: $50 iTunes Gift Card // Best Cheering Section: $100 Visa Gift Card
3. New Year's Eve Service — On 12/31 at 11PM, there will be a New Year's Eve service in the SIF sanctuary!
4. New Year Early Morning Prayer — On Saturday, Jan 4 there will be a early morning prayer time with parents and children at 6AM.