

중,고등부 (SKY) 교육부서중,고등부 (SKY)

2019_12_08 SKY announcements

페이지 정보

작성자 슈가로프한인교회 작성일19-12-08 16:21 조회1,247회 댓글0건


Announcements for 12/8/19:

1. FNPP -- Friday Night Praise and Prayer is gathering at 7:30PM this week!
2. ATL 1718 Retreat -- Joint Winter Retreat will be from December 26-28, 2019! Registration is open today! Registration cost is $130. Registration deadline is 12/15/19... Please register in the lobby of this building!
3. ** For the 1718 Retreat, we will be departing from church on Thursday, 12/26 at 11am and returning on Saturday, 12/28 at 1pm.
4. SKBC Golden Bell Bible Quiz -- On New Year's Eve there will be a bible quiz covering material from the past year's Bible Time readings. First place prize: iPad Pro // Second Place: Airpod Pro // Third Place: Fitbit Versa2 // Best Youth Student: $50 iTunes Gift Card // Best Cheering Section: $100 Visa Gift Card
5. Christmas Sunday -- Joint worship with the KM 3rd service at 11:30am. Followed by lunch and then Christmas presentations will be at 1:30pm! Please plan to stay and participate with your classmates during the presentations.
      --- Final dress rehearsals will happen on Friday, 12/20 from 6-10:30pm!!