

중,고등부 (SKY) 교육부서중,고등부 (SKY)

2019_11_10 SKY announcements

페이지 정보

작성자 슈가로프한인교회 작성일19-11-10 20:02 조회1,448회 댓글0건


Announcements for 11/10/19:

1. FNPP — Join us for FNPP this week at 7:30pm!

2. 9th-10th Grade Retreat — Register for it today! November 29-30, 2019. Cost is $50

3. Daniel Kim One Night Revival: On November 26, SIF will be hosting Missionary Daniel Kim for a talk about pursing God in the faith!

4. ATL 1718 Retreat — Joint Winter Retreat will be from December 26-28, 2019! Registration is open starting today! Registration cost is $130.

5. Baptisms — SKBC will be holding baptisms on Thanksgiving Sunday, 11/24. For those interested in getting baptized, please speak with Pastor John today!

6. Operation Christmas Child — SKBC is collecting OCC boxes again this year! TO participate, please pick up a box in the cafeteria today and return it with gifts and toys by 11/17.