

중,고등부 (SKY) 교육부서중,고등부 (SKY)

2020_02_23 SKY announcements

페이지 정보

작성자 슈가로프한인교회 작성일20-02-25 08:19 조회1,194회 댓글0건


SKY announcements for 2/23:
FNPP — Join us on Friday Night for a time of fellowship!
Harvest Gathering on 2/29/20 at 6PM.
Location: Teacher Solina’s home; Shuttle available from church @ 5:30 PM
3. SKY Ministry Volunteering — On March 28th, SKY and SIF will volunteer for an event for the Sugarloaf Special Education Ministry. Location will be at church and the time will be from 5pm to 8pm.